

Period: March 2023 - June 2023

Role: Software Engineer

Tech stack: Python, Redis


Project description

upstash-redis is a connectionless, HTTP-based Redis client for Python, designed to be used in serverless and serverful environments such as:

My role

I initially authored upstash-redis and was responsible for all of the early design decisions. I also advised on specific issues after handing off the project.


Building a Redis client came with various technical and non-technical challenges. The project was, in a way, a greenfield one. Almost all of the things, including the planning, the roadmap, and even some technical aspects changed while moving forward.

Some of the trouble-causing aspects were:

The value I provided

Prototyping and launching the SDK quickly came in response to the increasing usage and development of AI-based applications, helping the Python developers adopt Redis in synergy with their existing and future stack.

Aiming for fast iterations and rapid delivery, while also maintaining high quality, I learned from the already established projects and optimized the product for developer experience, making its usage easily follow best practices.